Cultural Activities

Families and youth who attend Nenqayni Wellness Centre come from both the local area (within the 15 bands) and from across Canada. For this reason we are sensitive to the diversity of persons served at our Centre and those that we may come in contact with in our day to day operations.

The Centre is located within the Secwepemc (Shuswap) territory. Board Members include 3 nations; Secwepemc (Shuswap) Tsihlqot’in (Chilcotin) and Dakelh (Carrier).

We encourage program participants to share any knowledge of their culture and to continue to explore this rich element that truly brings us in connection with who we are. We recognize that English may not be the first language of some participants and we strive to provide a learning experience that will meet each individual’s unique needs.

Throughout the week the day begins with a morning smudge with participants and staff joining in prayer, drumming and singing at 8:00am. Sage is most commonly burned in the smudge bowl however cedar, juniper and other sages may be used as well as sweet grass.

Hand Drum:
Participants may have the opportunity to make their own hand drum. Songs may be shared during the daily smudge time. A large drum is also used for further sharing and teaching.

Sage Picking & Cedar Gathering:
Pipe ceremonies are held from time to time. Seasonal sage picking is done most often out towards Farwell Canyon or Alkali Lake. Cedar is gathered near Horsefly.

Sweat Lodge:
A weekly sweat is available for participants as they begin to travel on their healing journey. The sweat lodge is found to be a place of comfort and strength and can assist in the spiritual strengthening of participants.

Providing Information

Intake Coordinators travel to workshops and special events to share information on Nenqayni Wellness Centre.

If you have an event planned that you would like us to attend please let us know. We appreciate as much advance notice as possible. Please allow at least 3 weeks notice for booking arrangements.

Please see our Contact Profiles page to book with an Intake Coordinator.

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