Board of Directors

Nenqayni Board of Directors as follows:

Daana Gilpin – Chair                                     

Tsilhqot’in Nation


Donna Dixon – Vice Chair                                              

Secwepemc Nation

Kerry Chelsea – Secretary/Treasurer                                                           

Secwepemc Nation 


Susan Leon – Board Member                       

Dakelh Nation

Terri Boyd – Board Member                         

Dakelh Nation

Melanie Johnny –  Board Member

Tsilhqot’in Nation


Providing Information

Intake Coordinators travel to workshops and special events to share information on Nenqayni Wellness Centre.

If you have an event planned that you would like us to attend please let us know. We appreciate as much advance notice as possible. Please allow at least 3 weeks notice for booking arrangements.

Please see our Contact Profiles page to book with an Intake Coordinator.

Contact Us

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